For those that know me can safely say that I am a very...particular person. Due to recent events in my life, it has been brought to my attention that my "OCD", as they put it, is apparently annoying up to the point that it pisses people off. Well one of the subjects that I just so happen to be OCD about is making everyone happy while still being happy myself, so as you can imagine, I have been completely obsessed with trying to figure out what I am doing wrong so that I don't upset everyone. So I decided to ask someone who has never left my side, I have never fought with *knock on wood*, and someone that I can see being there for me up until the day I die, and that is Heather. She said something to me that really made me remember to be proud of the way I am,
"When I first met you, you were you, and you were very strong willed.
And people expected you to bend to their will. And that's not how you are.
They try to blindside you and expect you to give, and you don't. And that upsets them because they expect everyone around them to act that way."
So for those of you that choose to forgo a friendship with someone as loyal as I am, TAKE THAT! I am not OCD, I am strong willed, and I am proud that I refuse to let someone make me their puppet. If I don't want to do something, I won't. If I don't like something, guess what? I won't, and I don't hate you for doing it, or liking it, because I know it's your life. Live it how you wish, but at the same time, let me do the same. I am who I am, you either accept it from the beginning and stick with it, or just don't accept it at all. It saves me pain in the end. I give my friendships my all, so if you don't want to be fortunate enough to enjoy my company, your loss. Not mine. So thank you, Heather, for being one of the greatest friends in my life, and putting my "strong willed" mind at ease :D. TTNF <3
You remind me of myself at that age. That's where my Bouncin' Thru Life blog is focused right now. Young and headstrong and if you didn't like it too bad. Now at almost 50 I still have the same standards as I did then and only a handful of true friends. Those friends I can count on. Acquaintances who call you a friend are just not for me.