Saturday, December 18, 2010

No Mi Gusta Queso....

30 Days of truth- Day 10: Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn't know

Hmmm...this is a difficult one, and honestly, I have no clue what to put. Everyone that is currently in my life, I want in my life. If I didn't want you to be there, you wouldn't be, and if you don't want to be in my life by choice, then I don't want you to be in it either. I have never been the type of person to beg someone for their friendship or attention. Why would I want someone in my life that doesn't want to be there? I am devoted to my friends and family, so I don't see the point in being devoted to someone who is just going to screw me over. Trust is a huge issue with me, so if I don't trust you then guess what, you won't be in my life, and how can I trust someone that isn't going to be there for me when I need them? It just doesn't make sense, and frankly, is a waste of my time, and time is far too short to be wasted, especially on someone that doesn't matter anyone. Not to sound mean, but just saying. So yeah, the answer is no one :D TTFN <3

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