Here is my list. If you don't have these in your relationship, or even 8 of them, run now.
1.Trust- This is the NUMBER ONE most important out of anything you could have in a relationship. If you do not trust your partner or vis verse, you may as well throw in the towel. No one wants to be with someone that they have to wonder constantly about, like if they are being faithful or just even telling the truth. It's too much stress and isn't worth it at all.
2.Communication- If you can't talk to your spouse about things for fear you will be ashamed or even if you think he will be mad, then the issue will always weigh heavy on your mind, causing fights about other small things, and will actually do damage to any good relationship. You should be able to tell your spouse anything, no matter how ugly or horrible it may be, and they should be able to try and work past the issue.
3.Compromise- Everyone has an opinion, and in a relationship you aren't always going to agree on 100% everything, so pick and choose your battles. If it's not worth ending your relationship over, be the bigger person and let him think he's right, if it's not worth it, then who really cares? If you can't decide on which movie to see, let him pick the first one, and tell him he has to let you pick the next one, no biggy.
4.Honesty- This goes hand in hand with communication. Just freaking be honest people. What is the point in lying when you will probably have to keep making up lies to cover up previous ones. The truth ALWAYS comes out in the end, so you might as well start off with telling the truth because not only will they be pissed about what you lied about, but also the fact that you lied in the first place, and then you also loose the most important tool in a relationship, trust. Also, not only be truthful to him, but be truthful to yourself.
5.Compassion- If you are selfish, you CANNOT expect to be that way in a relationship. Not everything is about you. It takes two people to make it work, and if you are so absorbed in yourself and don't care about the other person, they aren't going to waste their time working their butt off for something that is inevitably going to fail.
6.Passion- This is very important. If you are not passionate about your partner then excuse my french, but why the hell are you with them? I would do anything in this world for my husband, and if you can't say the same, move on.
7.Humor- Laughter is good for the sole, and the greatest moments are when you are lying in bed talking to your spouse until the weeeee hours of the morning, and he is making you laugh your head off. Life can be so depressing sometimes, so I think it's good to have someone in your life that brightens your most gloomy days. :)
8.Support- I don't mean financially, but emotionally. You should be the one person your spouse can go to if he is having the crappiest day in the world, as he should be for you. Even if it's just to listen to them while they vent and rant and rave about stuff you don't even understand. Just make sure they know you are there whenever, and for whatever reason they need you for.
9.Dates- This mainly goes out to the married couples. During the week there is so much to juggle between work schedules, cleaning, errands that need to be run, children if you have any. You need to make sure that at least ONE day out of the week you get yourself a babysitter and have a date night with your hubby. Every relationship needs at least that one romantic day of the week that gives your partner the feeling that you think they are special, even when you both are too busy to express that point alllll the time. A date night will keep the romance in your lives alive and even the passion in the bedroom ;)
10.Contribution- And finally the last and very important issue. If your husband is able to work while you are fortunate to be the stay at home wife, make sure you contribute your part in the marriage. Don't make your husband come home and expect him to cook and clean. He works all day, you do it. Even the yard work. I mean this is the 21st century for crying out loud! Women are just as capable of doing yard work as men, it's not that difficult. If you both work, then I think the woman should cook and clean, and the man should do the yard work. That doesn't mean that men should be slobs. Be considerate, and clean up after yourself so that your wife doesn't have as much to do with what little time she is left at the end of the day.
If you have all of these key elements, your relationship will last thru anything, I assure you. It's not always easy, but you can work thru anything together. TTFN <3
I am writing a story for and I need a list of the most important things in a relationship. Do you mind if I use these 10 things?