Have you ever thought to yourself, "wonder how life would be if I had never been born"?
The answer to this question is simple: BOOORRRINNG! I mean think about it, especially those of you that know me, could you imagine life if we had never met? Some of you might like the idea, which guess what, feeling is mutual, but for those of you that actually have a reason for existing, you're probably shaking your head in agreement with me. I mean, even my old chorus teacher, if I had never been born, he would have never had the chance to meet such an exceptional singer, such as myself, and would therefore have to give The Directors Award to some other random undeserving bloke my senior year. ;) (only half of that was sarcastic)
My husband would probably be man whoring himself and living in a small barrack that he would have to clean himself. Which would also mean that when all the other married guys got to go home early, he would be stuck doing the grunt work. :P He would probably have a lot more money in his bank account, though. lol
My mom would be stuck with just my brother, and as much as she loves him, there is nothing like a bond between and mother and daughter.
My grandma would have missed out on more than 50 movies for lack of a movie buddy, and my dad wouldn't have anyone to give him a big pouty look so she can get whatever she wanted from him. Bwahahahhaha!
And my friend, well, think about ALLLLLLL of our inside jokes and party nights....ALL GONE! Seriously, the world would end, just sayin.
So if there is one thing we should all be thankful for, it's the fact that my mom gave birth to me :). TTFN <3
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