30 Days of Truth- Day 27: The meaning behind your blog name.
It is pretty simple really. It all started when I created my first email address and screen name. I based it off of one of my favorite snacks, which just so happens to be Wisconsin Cheese Curds. (If you haven't had them, go online and get them shipped to you ASAP. You won't regret it.)
Anywho, I chose the name CheeseCrdsxx, and whenever I signed up for ANYTHING, I always used it. Well, I was playing an online game one day, Jedi Academy, and all of a sudden I realized people started calling me Cheese for short. So, Cheese, Ch33s3, Ch33s3nP3nor, or any other form of Cheese, depending on what others have already taken, is usually my gamers tag for any game I play, and then most people just end up calling me plain ol' Cheese. In fact, my husbands gamers tag is Slinky, so if he doesn't call me hunny, he is addressing me by Cheese, and same with me. If its not Hunny, it's slink.
So when I decided to start blogging, I wanted a creative name that had my GT in it, and I figured that a cheese grater breaks cheese down into pieces of cheese, and a blog breaks down pieces of people, sooooo TADA, the blog Cheese Grater was born :) TTFN <3
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