Friday, December 31, 2010

Where Does Cheese Come From?...

30 Days of Truth- Day 15: Something or someone you couldn't live without.

Well since I already blogged about how wonderful my husband is, I am going to tell you about the greatest woman in my life. My mom is my world. If it weren't for her, I believe I would be one messed up slice o cheese :P She is my inspiration for everything I do, and I hope that when I am lucky enough to have a baby, I will be even have as great as she is. Most girls don't get the luxury of being close with their moms, and honestly, I don't see how the get through life. My mom is my best friend, and she was even my maid of honor at my wedding. If I need advice, she is the first one I call. If I need someone to just sit and listen to me cry, and my husband is at work or something, I know I can count on her. If there is ANYTHING I need, she will do her best to make it happen. My mom even took the money that she needed to put new tires on her car and gave it to me instead for tires for mine, and she has yet to have the ability to put tires on hers. She has sacrificed so much for me, and for that she is my hero and my angel. I can't imagine my life without her, and I am truly the luckiest girl in the world to have her for my mom. TTFN <3

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Time to Save the Cheese...

30 Days of Truth-Day 14: A hero that has let you down.

Well considering that my only heroes that I have ever had in my life, my mom and my husband, have never let me down, I guess I am going to have to say NONE! :P Hrmm...well this was a short blog O.o TTFN <3

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Jammin' Cheese...

30 Days of truth-Day 13: A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough times.

It did not take me long to think of the perfect artist for this blog. Miranda Lambert, hands down. When I was at my worst, every single song that I heard from here gave me hope again. She sings about self confidence, pride, revenge, etc. The exact combination for the perfect cocktail for a broken heart. Miranda Lambert, the love of my wonderful husband, and my mom were the only things that kept me going at that time, and are the reasons why I was able to put my past aside so quickly, and move on to my bright future. Miranda Lambert is a hero in my eyes bc she saved me from giving up on love. She saved me from beating myself up. She gave me more self confidence then I have ever had, and when you are in a place as low as I was, that is a miracle in itself. She is flat out amazing, and I love her and her music. TTFN <3

Monday, December 27, 2010

Unnoticable Cheese...

30 Days of blog-Day 12: Something you never get compliments on.

Hmmm.... to be honest, I can't really answer this question bc I am not one of those greedy little B*$@es that sits there waiting for someone to notice them or compliment them. I could care less. Just like those people that do nice things for you JUST to throw it in your face later on. Why even do it? Are you that miserable that you have to make those that really are in need feel like crap just so that you can make yourself feel better? That would be only one in many forms of a hypocrite, and all hypocrites should be dismembered tbh :P TTFN <3

Sunday, December 19, 2010

What's so good about the Cheese?...

*Just to warn you, I will be out of town due to the holiday season for 6 days, so this will be my last blog until you can't say you weren't warned :P

30 Days of truth- Day 11: Something people seem to compliment you the most on.

I usually get complemented on the following things: my blue eyes, my soft and thick.......HAIR (ahhh you pervs :P), and my round butt, but the one thing I get the most compliments guys and girls mind you....are my boobs. That's right. Out of all the great qualities God could have blessed me with, he gave me round, perky, big but not too big, squishy knockers, and I am very proud of them, but I do think it's weird when even girls, who don't like other girls btw, tend to compliment me on them more than anything else..well that and my stud of a husband :P TTFN <3

Saturday, December 18, 2010

No Mi Gusta Queso....

30 Days of truth- Day 10: Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn't know

Hmmm...this is a difficult one, and honestly, I have no clue what to put. Everyone that is currently in my life, I want in my life. If I didn't want you to be there, you wouldn't be, and if you don't want to be in my life by choice, then I don't want you to be in it either. I have never been the type of person to beg someone for their friendship or attention. Why would I want someone in my life that doesn't want to be there? I am devoted to my friends and family, so I don't see the point in being devoted to someone who is just going to screw me over. Trust is a huge issue with me, so if I don't trust you then guess what, you won't be in my life, and how can I trust someone that isn't going to be there for me when I need them? It just doesn't make sense, and frankly, is a waste of my time, and time is far too short to be wasted, especially on someone that doesn't matter anyone. Not to sound mean, but just saying. So yeah, the answer is no one :D TTFN <3

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Forgotten Cheese...

30 Days of truth-Day 9: Someone you didn't want to let go, but who drifted.

This is something I have been thinking about for quite sometime, actually. I wouldn't just say one person, but a group of people. I call them my "Morning Peeps" because every single morning before school we would hang out and wait for class to start. It never failed. We had our certain spot in the atrium, and every morning it was hugs, laughs, sometimes tears as we tried to help out one another. We were like the 3 amigos, but there was just more than 3 of us haha. After high school we tried to keep in touch through facebook and all that, but for some reason, we all just went our separate ways. I even invited all of them to my wedding, and not a single one came. I am so glad that we did have the chance to make memories, but apart of me still waits in hope that one day we might all get together again one day. Who knows? lol TTFN <3

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Hell's fire Meltin the Cheese...

30 Days of Truth-Day 8: Someone who has made your life hell or treated you badly.

Well, I have already told a few stories regarding some people who have treated me poorly, and I was trying to avoid this subject, but due to not having any more stories, except this one, I will just have to tell it.

I would have to say that in a way, my ex and the woman he left me for have probably wronged me even worse than anyone ever has. I let someone who had lost everything, even the love of her family at the time, move into my home and take complete advantage of my hospitality. I paid for her visa, her plane ticket, I didn't charge her rent, I clean up after them, and because I was the ONLY one working at the time, I paid for all the bills and food that the three of us ate, and do you think I ever asked for a cent in return, no. I'm just not like that. Anyway, after a while me and everyone else looking in noticed that the relationship between her and my boyfriend of three years was much more than just a friendship. I won't go into all the details, but lets just say thank goodness I paid for her ticket because I was also able to pay to send her and her belongings back. Well, even though she was back in England, their relationship continued, and I knew it. I am not as dumb as most people seem to think, and I am not naive. I am, however very strong. Turns out, things just weren't working the way I had hoped, and the moment he left, my world came crashing down, or so I thought.

In actually, if I ever have the chance, I will thank them. They made it possible for me to find true happiness. It was a bitter sweet circumstance, but I am actually very grateful. Because of them, I was able to reconnect with the love of my life. We married 5 months after my ex left, and I now realize that all the money spent, and all the tears cried were worth the happiness I now have. I never thought I could meet someone that makes me feel the way my husband does. Call me mushy or whatever, but it's the truth. He is my other half, and who knows where I would be if my ex and his current girlfriend hadn't done what they did. Yeah they put me through hell, yeah they wronged me, but it was for the best overall. They actually gave me what I had been searching for my entire life. I no longer feel anger or pain. Just gratitude, and even though they will probably never know, I actually appreciate everything they did, and I really hope they are as happy as I am. Being able to feel love like I feel everyday is something I would hope EVERYONE, regardless if they have wronged me or not, gets to feel at some point in their lives. So, if you're reading this, thank you, seriously and sincerely, thank you. TTFN <3

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The happy Cheese...

30 Days of Truth-Day 7: Someone who has made your life worth living.

There are so many people that deserved to be mentioned in this post. My mom, some others in my family, some of my friends, but there is one person that right now I am especially grateful for, and that is my husband.

My husband is my world, and without him, who knows where I would be. The first time I met him, something deep down went off like a light bulb, and even though I could not act on my feelings, due to being in a relationship, those feelings were always there. A couple of years passed before I became single again, and the moment I did, he was right there, ready to take his proper place in my heart. He fights and defends this country, and he loves me more than anyone has ever loved me before. He treats me better than I probably deserve, and I hope that I return the favor. Although I am so proud of him for what he does, his deployment will be difficult to deal with, but I know my hero will return in my arms safely. I dont think he will ever understand how much he means to me, but waking up next to him everyday has, so far, been the greatest and most generous thing God could have given me. I love him so much, and I am so lucky to have snagged him when I did ;) TTFN <3

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Knocking on Cheese...

30 days of truth-Day 6: Something you hope you never have to do.

Okay, so I am now officially back, and shall continue with my 30 days of truth, even though I am pretty sure almost 60 days have past since I last started doing these shenanigans. lol

But seriously, I guess the one thing that I hope I never have to do is open my front door. Not to just anyone because I am actually pretty friendly, but to the two (or however many there might be) men dressed in official military uniforms that bring all of the military wives (or husbands) the bad news that they oh so dread to get while their loving soldier is off to war.

I am so unbelievably proud of my husband for everything he has and will continue to do for this country. I love going to random places and hearing people thank my husband or giving him a free drink to show their gratitude towards him. Every time someone expressed their thanks, my pride as a military wife just grows and shines even more and more. He is such an incredible man, and I honestly don't know where I would be right now without him. He works so hard everyday, and treats me even better than I deserve, and although I have faith that he will return to me safely, the thought of having to hear someone else tell me that he won't be coming home would be......indescribably horrific.

But like I said, I know he will come home safely, and although I will miss him dearly while he is gone, I will be so happy to welcome him back, and hopefully there will be a little someone to greet him with me when he returns ;) <3 TTFN

Friday, October 22, 2010

AWOL Cheese...

I know, I know. I have not posted anything in like FOREVER! Good news though, it's not because I have lost interest in blogging, it's just because I am in the middle of moving to Texas, and access to the internet is very limited. Haha

Once I do get settled into my house, I shall continue my 30 day blog, and your bordom shall resume. TTFN <3

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Must Have Kinda Cheese...

30 Days of truth: Day5- Something you hope to do in your life.

There are so many things that I want to do in my life.

First of all, I want to have a baby..which my husband and I are currently trying to make happen, so CROSS YOUR FINGERS! But I have always wanted to be a mom. I am the oldest girl, out of what seems like a million grandchildren, lol so I have always been around kids, changed diapers, the works. Even before having a desire to go to school, being a mom has always been my top priority, and I hope it happens soon :D

Secondly, I want to study criminology so that I might be able to be apart of a forensic team in the future. No, I don't watch CSI so it's not just a phase I am in. It's just something I have always had an interest in doing. Yeah seeing a dead body may be gross and devastating, but catching the jerk that committed the crime would be worth it. I know I can't change the world, but it would be nice to make some sort of difference...someone's got to do the job, right?

Thirdly, I would like to participate in a murder mystery dinner. I think it would be so much fun and fascinating, although my husband seems to think that a real murder would occur, and it could be my death people would be solving..lolol ;)

Other than that I just want to live a happy life with my family. Skydiving was on my list of things to do, but I did that on my 21st birthday, and oh man was it fun :P. I guess I could say I have to do it again haha. But that about sums it up :D TTFN <3

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Wronging the Cheese...

30 Days of truth: Day4: Something you have to forgive someone else for.

I am usually a forgiving person, and in fact, there are somethings I have forgiven people for that I shouldn't have, which should tell you that when I have a hard time forgiving someone, I probably won't be able to.

When I was a little girl, my mom always had to work two jobs because my "sperm donor" had left by the time I was two, and my Dad didn't come into the picture until I was 12 or so. Anyway, while she worked hard, my wonderful Aunt Jane would always baby sit my brother and me. She loved my brother and all, but I was the favorite. I was "THE girl"..literally, that's what her and my Uncle Bob called me. They did everything for me, taught me my ABC's, how to read, tie my shoes, play basketball, ride a bike, and they took me to sea world and Disney Land EVERY year.

So needless to say, I was VERY close with my Auntie Jane. Well one night, when I was 16, I got a call saying that my Aunt Jane was in the hospital, and she was dying. I asked how long she had, and they said she would be gone any minute. My grandparents had bought my mom a ticket to fly to Utah (because we were in Georgia), but my mom gave it to me. I was on the first flight to Utah in the morning, but I was terrified I didn't have that long. I called my Aunt Jane, even though she was mostly unresponsive, and asked her to wait for me. I was told that when I did, she opened her eyes, which was the first response she had shown in hours, and she did. She waited for me. Not 30 minutes after I got there and said my goodbyes, she passed. It was the saddest moment of my life, but I was glad she moved onto a better place.

Now telling you that, I'll tell you who and why I "need" to give forgiveness. My Aunt Jane's son, my cousin, Bobby, was like my brother. I looked up to him in so many ways, but unfortunately, he got into some hardcore drugs, and couldn't stop, but no matter what people said, I never gave up on him. Until the day mu Aunt Jane died. Right after she had died, everyone crying their eyes out, and my Uncle still in shock, my cousin, Bobby, apparently wasn't worried about anything except where his next hit was coming from, and his answer? My Aunt's wedding ring. He never got it, thank God (literally), but he fact that his own mother, had just died, and he tried to steal her ring for drugs. How messed up is that? So he is the one I will have to forgive, and you know his crime, and I don't know if I ever will forgive him, but probably not. <3 TTFN

Thursday, September 30, 2010

It's alright Cheese...

30 Days of Truth: Day3- Something you have to forgive yourself for.

I guess the only way to put this one, is very harsh, yet true. What do I need to forgive myself for? For being so stupid sometimes. This kind of goes along with the whole "too compassionate and forgiving" thing. It seems like while I am in the middle of a bad situation or a scam, something along those lines, I don't really see the TRUE situation until I am left burned and scared..and usually money. lol I think everything is happy and jolly and then BAM! I get hit,and the worse part is there are usually TONS of signs along the way saying "YOU'RE GETTING RIPPED OFF YOU MORON! QUIT WHILE YOU'RE AHEAD!!!". I guess I just get so distracted and want to believe so much that people are good deep down, that I refuse to let myself see the truth, even though I knew it all along. Then, I tend to beat my humiliated self up about it until the end of I guess I just need to deal with the fact that what is done is done, and I just need to move on and stop being so damn nice. lol TTFN <3

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lovin' Some Cheese...

30 Days of truth: Day2-Something you love about yourself.

One thing that I love about myself is my ability to belch. Some of you may think this is repulsive and absolutely disgusting, but I find it humorous and relieving. I know I COULD just burp normally, but haven't you ever eaten a big mean like Thanksgiving, and after about fifteen minutes or so you just let out this big ol' BEEEEEEEELLLLLLLCHHHHHHH?!? It's the greatest feeling in the world, guaranteed. I wasn't always able to belch though. My best friend in high school actually taught me. One night she was sleeping over, and we spent the entire night on the living room couch practicing my belch until I got it right, it drove my mother nuts *and still does to this very day*. That's right folks, this pro only took ONE night to learn my amazing talents, and I am so good at it, I even put my husband to shame ;P...sorry hunny. <3

What can I say...women REALLY can do anything a man can ;)


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hatin' Some Cheese...

So I saw this "30 day written blog" thing on someone else's blog this morning, and decided to give it a shot. Today's topic? Something you hate about yourself:

There are a few things that come to mind with this. I could say my weight, my laugh, my freckles, but the thing that seems to stick out in my mind the most is my compassion. Why is this bad, you ask? Well, it seems like no matter how mean someone is to me, no matter how much I don't know someone, I am too forgiving and to trusting of others. For example:

My husband is in the Army and will be restationed at Fort Hood in October. Since I currently reside in Virginia, I have been trying to find a home for us to live in online. One house in particular was kinda old on the outside, but had been completely remodeled on the inside, and the "landlord's" biggest concern was renting to someone that wouldn't damage the property, which I can relate to having 3 years of experience in property management. Expressing this to him, him and his wife thought we would be the ideal tenants to rent their lovely home, so I Western Unioned them $150 to hold the house for us until I could send the first months rent on the first of October.

Well, thank goodness for my husband. Yesterday, he expressed to me that something just didn't feel right, and that the offer seemed too good to be true. So I did some research only to find out that the "landlord" did not own the property at all. He had just scammed me out of my last $150 that I had that could have been used to pay a bill or buy groceries..both of which are desperately needed.

So what did I do? I cried. I haven't had my hopes up for something like that in a really long time, and it was such a disappointment. The house really was up for rent, but was way out of our price range. So after I balled my eyes out, I decided to send the "landlord" an email informing him of his case he was unaware...and thanking him to contributing to the scum of this world.

HE ACTUALLY REPLIED! He tried to convince me that he had no clue what I was talking about, blah blah I sent him the name and number of the property management company that ACTUALLY owns the property, and told him to call them. I'm sure they would be happy to enlighten him on his scam the way they did for me.....and just as I response and no refund. So now I am currently stressing to find a place for us to live, and unsure about all of the offers because I can't afford to be scammed again. *sigh* at least I figured it all out before I sent the first months rent.


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Just a little cheese, please....

So I usually have a new blog up about this time, buuuuuut all the topics that I previously stormed up in my head have all disappeared somehow O.o. I hope I didn't go into all of them ALREADY! Anywho, so I decided to create a blog that had some fun little facts about myself in it, they are as follows:

*I'm short.. 5"2.5 to be exact.

*I suck at grammar..spelling mostly.

*I hate my brown hair, so I dye it black, even though it's only about 2 shades from being black.

*Now that I am 21 and married, I feel like I don't have anything to look forward to until I get preggos.

*I love the fact that my awesomely awesome husband resembles M.Shadows from Avenged Sevenfold.

*My favorite ice cream is black cherry, but ice cream stores rarely have it.

*I love all music except rap, however certain songs are appealing.

*John Travolta is the greatest actor of all time, and if you don't think so you can go jump off of a cliff, and I have loved him ever since I was in my mothers tummy...yes I do know that.

*People often take advantage of my kindness, and I tend to not do anything about it, but when I do, it's not pretty.

*I used to hate the color pink, but now I want everything to be pink.

*I have the same birthday as the Dutchess herself, Fergie, and I think that makes me superior to everyone else. *lol jk*

*If I go anywhere without my hair done or makeup I am completely uncomfortable the ENTIRE I usually don't go without.

*My mom is my bestest friend.

*Carbs are my weakness, especially chips.

*I don't like a lot of chocolate, in fact, I rarely eat it. *and yes, I am a woman*

*My gaming name is Cheese based on Wisconsin cheese curds...nomnom..but I have never been to Wisconsin. O.o

*I was in love with my husband the moment I met him, even though I wouldn't admit it to myself until later on.

*If I am not on facebook or out on the town, I am at home playing video games with my husband, mainly Combat Arms <3

*I spam :D, :), ;), :p, O.o, <3, etc.

*I want to name my future daughter Lily, which means my husband gets to name our future son, and that terrifies me. lol

*Family is the most important factor in life for me, and it always will be.

*My new last name is Pearson, and whenever I read it I think of a pear even though that's obviously not how it sounds.

*I used to loath running, but now its become one of the best parts of my day.

*One of my biggest desires is to own a smartcar, but considering I am planning on a family I wont be getting one anytime soon.

*There is so much more, but I am clueless allllll the time so I am going to say TTFN <3

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Strong Willed...

For those that know me can safely say that I am a very...particular person. Due to recent events in my life, it has been brought to my attention that my "OCD", as they put it, is apparently annoying up to the point that it pisses people off. Well one of the subjects that I just so happen to be OCD about is making everyone happy while still being happy myself, so as you can imagine, I have been completely obsessed with trying to figure out what I am doing wrong so that I don't upset everyone. So I decided to ask someone who has never left my side, I have never fought with *knock on wood*, and someone that I can see being there for me up until the day I die, and that is Heather. She said something to me that really made me remember to be proud of the way I am,

"When I first met you, you were you, and you were very strong willed.
And people expected you to bend to their will. And that's not how you are.
They try to blindside you and expect you to give, and you don't. And that upsets them because they expect everyone around them to act that way."

So for those of you that choose to forgo a friendship with someone as loyal as I am, TAKE THAT! I am not OCD, I am strong willed, and I am proud that I refuse to let someone make me their puppet. If I don't want to do something, I won't. If I don't like something, guess what? I won't, and I don't hate you for doing it, or liking it, because I know it's your life. Live it how you wish, but at the same time, let me do the same. I am who I am, you either accept it from the beginning and stick with it, or just don't accept it at all. It saves me pain in the end. I give my friendships my all, so if you don't want to be fortunate enough to enjoy my company, your loss. Not mine. So thank you, Heather, for being one of the greatest friends in my life, and putting my "strong willed" mind at ease :D. TTNF <3

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Why so serious???

First of all, let me start off by saying that yes, I do know that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, this is just my opinion about some people that take life a little too seriously, and yes there is such a thing.

For example, the movie Avatar: This movie just so happens to be one of my all time favorite movies I have ever watched. Some people didn't like it because they just don't like those types of movies...which is totally cool with me. Other people didn't like it because it portrays the United States and its military too be murderers and bad people. O.o What? Really? Out of that whole movie that is what you got out of it? I come from a family where almost every male in it was in the military, and in fact, my husband is in the military, so I am very patriotic, but I was not offended whatsoever, and the thought didn't even cross my mind!

It seems like some people just try to find things to argue about. Why would you do that? Why would you want to live everyday of your life angry at someone. Sure, there are tons of people that have "done me wrong", but you know what? I don't live to make their or anyone else's lives miserable. Instead, I pity them. I feel so sorry that they wake up in the mornings and feel so pathetic about themselves that they have to hurt someone just to make themselves feel better. This also goes for those that hold grudges. People mess up, so when they are genuinely sorry, forget it and move on! STOP BEING ANGRY AT THE WORLD PEOPLE! The hippies had it right when they just wanted to "share the love" least they were happy. If you are like this, try smiling and saying to yourself "life doesn't have to be this bad, so let me change that today". And then try to contact someone you have either wronged or refused to forgive, and repair your error. I guarantee you will feel a whole lot happier in the end, but if you can't do that, at least stop trying to make everyone else suffer because you refuse to be happy. TTFN <3

Monday, September 20, 2010

Let's try this again...

I am pretty sure that this is going to be my 3rd attempt at blogging, so hopefully I will be able to keep up with it this time. So what about you? Why are you a reader? Are we friends, enemies, or did you just happen to stumble upon my entry? Whatever the reason might be, I hope I can provide some source of entertainment for the average internet troller :D, but for the most part, this blog is going to be for me to just let my thoughts go, so forgive me if it's a tad on the boring side. I am going to take this slow, one blog at a time, even though I have so much that I want to say right at this very moment, but if I run out of things to say now, then I won't be blogging later, and you won't have much to look forward to, will you? :P So for now, I am going to leave you here and go for a run. TTFN ♥